Frequently Asked Questions
Your maps are so much easier to read than any other maps I've seen. How do you do it?
Map design is more than just putting a bunch of lines and symbols on a piece of paper. It involves decisions on what to leave off the map, what kind of typeface to use, what size lines and symbols to use. We recognize that maps are difficult to read for most people, and we design them so you don’t have to know how to read a map, or even use a compass. We research each area, hike trails with a measuring wheel when needed, obtain aerial photography, coordinate with Park Service and Forest Service administrators, digitize government maps, and produce a product that is unique in the mapping industry: a full-color, shaded-relief, easy-to-use topographic map.
Do you have any maps that are specifically for...mountain bikes...backpackers...RVers...horseback riders...youth groups...dayhikers...4wd vehicles?
Our maps are multi-purpose and they show whether bikes are allowed on trails or not. The maps show mileage between trail junctions and elevation points. Using color-coded symbols they show: trailheads, campgrounds, group camps, RV camps, interpretive trails, 4wd roads and more.
I'm going hiking in.....(fill in the blank). Do you have a map that covers that area?
Maybe. We only produce maps in California, and California is such a big state, with so many great hiking areas, that we have no plans to make any maps outside California. If you don’t see a map listed on our website then we do not have it.
Since you've hiked in.....(fill in the blank), can you give us some advice on what to take and when to go?
The short answer – no. We are not licensed guides, and when we hike, it’s usually under less-than-pleasant conditions because we are trying to cover a lot of ground. Please contact the Park or Forest for more information.
Why choose paper maps, instead of an app?
Paper maps are tried and true. They don’t require batteries or cell service. There is still no better way to get an overview of an area, while still being able to study the fine details. And it’s not an either or choice…you can use a paper map to study the area, then search the internet for more detail and/or use an app to enhance your trip. Our maps are light-weight, water-proof and tear resistant, and should be an essential item in everyone’s pack.
When are you going to make a map of.....(fill in the blank)?
Gosh, if only we knew the answer to that one. We are working on converting our existing maps to a PDF format which you can use on your mobile device. We do have an e-mail list of people who have purchased maps from us in the past, and we very sporadically send out new announcements. If you want to be on our list, send us an email and we’ll add you to the list.
Why can't I find all your maps at my local retailer?
Some retailers carry a larger selection than others, and some retailers tend to forget that in addition to buying camping gear, people want and need maps. We produce a very small product that doesn’t cost much and we sometimes get lost in the product mix. Maps are a very localized product, and stores in southern California may not carry maps of northern California areas.
I'd like to sell your maps in my store. How do I get started?
Use our contact form and let us know the details. We are very well-known among the outdoor community and our maps have a great reputation.
Customer Satisfaction, Returns, and Privacy Policy:
If you don’t like the map(s), return them for a full refund or replacement. We do not keep your phone # or credit card # on file, and we do not share, sell, trade, rent, barter, or give away your name, address, email, or order information. We add your email address to our customer list for occasional email notices about new products.